He gives STRENGTH to the weary. And to them who lack might, He increases POWER. -Isaiah 40:29
The Foundation of Strength was founded in 2019 to promote health and fitness in the Special Needs Community. The original mission was to create a network of partner gyms to offer 1-on-1 personal training at discounted rates through our Fitness Club. This program has been a huge success and paved the way to expand into other areas of need. In 2021 we began our Barbell Club program to supplement the Special Olympic Power Lifters in the off-season.

Fitness Club
Athletes in our Fitness Club can train at the local YMCAs and receive 1-on-1 training at a deeply discounted rate. The training sessions are customized to the needs of the athlete and are typically 3 – 45 sessions a week.
Barbell Club
The Barbell Club is a network of partner gyms that provide powerlifting classes for our athletes in addition to running their county’s Special Olympic Season. Lifters in the Barbell Club will get to train year round in a group setting and have multiple opportunities to compete throughout the year, at both Barbell Club member gyms as well as USAPL Powerlifting meets.